Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Signs Youre Ready to Move Up at Work - The Muse

5 Signs Youre Ready to Move Up at Work - The Muse5 Signs Youre Ready to Move Up at WorkWhen youve had the same title for what feels like years and it doesnt look like youre getting a new one anytime soon, its easy to feel stuck in a rut. You might start to worry that your skills are stagnating and youre going to fall behind. But Im here to tell you that just because your title hasnt changed doesnt mean youre not improving. Yes, your boss should be acknowledging when youve grown (and if you havent gotten a raise or promotion in a while its worth evaluating why), but it may not always come in the form of a promotion or raise. Thats why Ive put together five signs youve definitely increased your skill set- without even realizing it1. Youre Getting More Positive Feedback (and Less Constructive Criticism) on Hard AssignmentsProbably an obvious statement, but its also something you tend to overlook in the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day. Notice how your feedback has changed over time. Maybe when you first started, you were constantly critiqued on your work and used to go through several revisions before getting it right. Now youre making your way through these same kinds of assignments with ease- and while your work isnt always perfect, your managers clearly giving you more praise than they did when you started.2. Youre Working Faster (and Smarter)Not only are you receiving less constructive criticism, but youve also found that you can complete projects in half the time. Youre no longer flipping between your company handbook and that spreadsheet, or asking your colleague tons of questions before sending that email, or losing all your afternoon to writing one report (in fact, you can now crank out multiple in that time).Sure, speed isnt everything (and sometimes it can work against you). But the sheer fact that you can work fast if you need to says wonders. 3. Youre More Confident OverallA while ago you couldnt bring yourself to raise your hand in meetings, carry out a task without asking your boss if it looked OK, or do anything that wasnt specifically asked of you. Today, youre a self-assured, outspoken, and involved member of your team. You feel confident of your value and in the work you accomplish, and arent afraid to push yourself and try new things.4. Youre Receiving New Assignments With Less OversightNot only are you confident in yourself, your boss is, too. Youre not just asking for your boss approval or weigh-in less- theyre letting you move forward without it. This means your manager trusts you. This is big. 5. Youre Completing Projects You Never Thought Youd Be Capable of Even StartingThink back to six months ago, a year ago, when you first landed this role. Did you imagine youd be doing the kinds of work youre doing now? If so, did you feel ready?Chances are the thought of tackling your current to-do list wouldve terrified past you. If youd had to or attempted to do them, you certainly wouldnt have felt confident in the outcome . And yet now here you are, getting it done and done well.What does this all mean? Well, its probably time to ask your boss for more challenging work and to take on more responsibility. Use your next one-on-one (or, sit them down) to talk about what youre currently doing and other projects you could take on.Or, use that time to actually advocate for that promotion youve been eyeing. See, its possible while you see these improvements, your boss doesnt. So, prove to them youve made serious strives and deserve some recognition- this worksheet can help you organize all your accomplishments so you go to your manager with concrete evidence.Finally, relish in this moment Youve come a long way, and thats something to be proud of.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Are Apprenticeships Making a Comeback [Infographic]

Are Apprenticeships Making a Comeback Infographic Are Apprenticeships Making a Comeback Infographic For a period of time, college was a no-brainer for most young people. That was the path you had to walk if you wanted a lucrative and rewarding career.At least, thats how the story went. But as tuition costs climbed and student debt loads grew along with them and college degrees became mora and more common, young people started rethinking the necessity of higher education. Was college (and its exorbitant price tag) really a requirement for everyone?Recently, U.K.-based career site WikiJob polled its readers to find out their feelings on the matter. Did young talent want to head to college, or would they prefer to start their careers earlier via apprenticeships?It may surprise you to hear that 62 percent of WikiJobs readers said theyd choose an apprenticeship over college even thoughonly 28 percent of thosereaders felt employers would prefer to recruit apprentices over college grad uates.Check out the full infographic below for more results from the surprising survey

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Medical Standards for the Military

Medical Standards for the Military Medical Standards for the Military The military does not allow people with certain medical conditions to join the ranks for many reasons, but it mainly stems from caring for the safety of all service members. Often in military service, those with special needs are unable to get the care or treatment they need while in the field, which can be dangerous not only for the ailing service member but the entire troop. Many deployments with no access to medical facilities occur, especially within the Navy but also on certain bases in the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force. Without proper access to their treatments, those with mental or physical disabilities may be rendered incapable of doing their jobs while deployed, making them all but a burden on the armed services. Where to Find Out About Disqualifying Conditions The information in this article comes from  Army Regulation DOD 6130.03, DODD6130.3 and DODI6130.4, which provide complete information on all the medical fitness standards for induction, enlistment, appointment, retention, and related policies and procedures in the U.S. Armed Forces. All disqualifying medical issues are determined by the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), which  directs the use of Army Regulation 40-501, Chapter 2 for medical qualifications for all branches of the Armed Forces (including the Coast Guard). The Reason for Medical Standards The purpose of DOD medical standards is to ensure that medically qualified personnel who are accepted into the U.S. Armed Forces are properly evaluated for duty before and during enlistment so as to ensure the safety of the individual as well as other troop members. These rules outline that military personnel must be free of contagious diseases that would likely endanger the health of others; of medical conditions or physical defects that would require excessive time away from active duty for treatment or hospitalization or would result in separation from the Armed Forces for medical unfitness; medically capable of satisfactorily completing training; medically adaptable to different environments without necessity of geographical area limits; and medically capable of performing duties without causing further harm to existing defects or medical conditions. A recruit who fails to meet any of these requirements would be deemed medically unfit for service in the U.S. Armed Forces, though the specific regulations for just how mentally or physically disabled a service member can be and still enlist are constantly evolving. Disqualifying Medical Conditions Since the protocol for what medical conditions disqualify service members from enlisting constantly changes, its important to stay up to date with military policy regarding medical standards for service. The main medical or physical defects that can disqualify a recruit or service member from the Army are as follows. If you have any of the following conditions or defects, check specific requirements for medical standards before you enlist. Abdominal Organs and Gastrointestinal SystemBlood and BloodForming Tissue DiseasesBody Build DeficiencyAdvanced Dental DiseasesEars and Hearing LossEndocrine and Metabolic DisordersLoss of Function in Upper ExtremitiesLoss of Function in Lower ExtremitiesMiscellaneous Conditions of the ExtremitiesMental Health IssuesEyes and Vision LossGeneral and Miscellaneous Conditions and DefectsGenitalia and Reproductive Organs Diseases and DefectsHead Trauma or DefectsHeart and Vascular System DefectsHeight and Weight Deficiencies Lungs, Chest Wall, Pleura, and Mediastinum DefectsMouth DiseaseChronic Neck Pain or ImmobilityNeurological DisordersNose, Sinuses, and Larynx DefectsSkin and Cellular Tissue DefectsSpine and Sacroiliac Joint DefectsSystemic DiseasesTumors and Malignant DiseasesUrinary System Disorders

Monday, November 18, 2019

How to Get Hired After You Have Been Fired

How to Get Hired After You Have Been Fired How to Get Hired After You Have Been Fired Getting fired is difficult for many reasons, and the stress of losing your job is often compounded by the fear that you will have difficulty securing another position. However, there are some measures you can take to minimize the consequences that a termination will have on your job search. Although getting a pink slip is bound to be a stressful time, if you break down your response into bite-size steps, you’ll find it doesn’t have to be as overwhelming as it first seems. Here are some tips on how to jump-start your job search following a firing. Find Positive References First, line up your allies, or those individuals who can give positive testimony about your productivity and value as an employee.  If you have had positive work experiences with other organizations prior to your firing, ask past supervisors and other colleagues to prepare recommendations for you. Identify people at your most recent employer who are in a position to emphasize the key contributions that you’ve made despite your termination. Consider co-workers in your department, managers of interfacing departments, clients and other stakeholders when identifying potential references. Collect Written or Online Recommendations Ask Your References to Provide Recommendations on Linkedin or in Written Form. By drawing employers’ attention to this type of positive information, you can counteract some of the negative perceptions of your dismissal.  Share these online or written recommendations when networking or with your job applications when possible.   Update Your Portfolio Create or update your portfolio if you are in a field where work samples like reports, spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides, grant proposals, graphic designs, websites, or computer programs are showcased.  Showing employers evidence of impressive work products can counterbalance some of the negative perceptions about your firing.   Get Your Story Straight   Get the story straight about your performance in your last job and the circumstances surrounding your firing. Then, practice telling it to counselors, mentors, or other trusted confidants.  Avoid disparaging your past employer or any of the staff. Identify specific achievements in your work and the skills that enabled you to generate those successes.  Be ready to concisely relate the particular areas of your performance where you came up short.  If possible, highlight areas not vital to your target job, or ones that you have taken steps to strengthen since being firing.  Learn how to answer interview questions about being fired. Also, be aware of what employers can and cant say about a fired employee. Take a Moment for Reflection You should take the opportunity to reflect on your career path when terminated from a job.  Were the reasons for your firing unique to that employer and that supervisor, or indicative of a career that doesnt fit your strengths and personality?  If the latter is true, then it may be easier to make a case for a job in a new field.  For example, if you were fired from a sales job because you didnt land enough new clients, but despite this, you excelled in customer service, then you might now target inside sales or customer service positions instead.   Consider a Career Change Keep in mind that a firing might also signal the time for a radical change in your career that could require additional education, training or grooming.  If you take coursework, seminars, do an internship or freelance work in a new field, then this new experience may become more of a focus as employers evaluate your background than the last unsuccessful job.   Network, Network, Network Remember that networking through friends, fellow parishioners, neighbors, professional colleagues, and college alumni will be more important than ever after a firing.  These contacts will be more likely to listen to the nuances and explanations for your firing than employers at large. If they still believe that you can add value as an employee, then they might be willing to advocate for you at their employer or through their contacts. Review tips to help you best utilize your network. Consider Resigning First If a termination has not been finalized, consider the option of resigning and discuss that possibility with your employer.  You may be able to extract a letter of recommendation in exchange for a quiet departure.  It is also possible that you can postpone your resignation to buy some extra time to find a job while still employed. Make sure that you consult your unemployment office and assess the impact a resignation might have on your unemployment benefits.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Connecting With Your Next Employer Via Cover Letter

Connecting With Your Next Employer Via Cover Letter Connecting With Your Next Employer Via Cover Letter Early in my workforce development career, I saw a hot job lead in the want ads. Because of my utmost confidence in my résumé writing skills,and expecting to land an interview, I faxed my résumé. Sure enough, within 24 hours, my telephone rang. As expected, it was the employer who placed the ad. However, this call was not for an interview just yet. He called to insist on a separate document that I neglected to send in the first place- a cover letter. The importance of a cover letter I was lucky that time. Over the years I learned that there are many employers who will not consider you for a position if you do not include a cover letter in your response to their written job announcements. Especially if the announcements expressly request you to do so. Does it mean they will read your cover letter? Yes and no as it depends on the individual employer. My professional advice is not to take chances. Always send a well thought out, well-written, well-structured cover letter! As a certified professional résumé writer, I get queasy feelings when people ask me to write a cover letter for them unless they have a selected job in mind. That way, I can tailor the cover letter and create the appearance of a perfect match for the job. If you want to insult a potential employer, send a generic, one-size-fits-all cover letter. You are sending a message that you're not very serious about the position, and are only looking for a paycheck. The most effective cover letters are: Written to specific individuals At specific organizations Targeting specific positions If I write a cover letter for you, it is important that you tweak it to your voice. Give it your personality and let it exude your passion and ability to fit with the company’s vision. No writer, not even Ernest Hemingway, can do that for you. How do you write a cover letter that impresses employers? Study the job announcement Tailor your cover letter to the announcement. Use the important keywords and phrases listed therein. Browse the company’s website, and find something that resonates with you. Reference it at the beginning of your cover letter as a motivating factor in your joining their team. Such a statement sends a loud resounding signal to the employer that you might be a good “fit.” Employers value this more than mere qualifications. Effectively use the closing of your cover letter. Affirm to the employers that you look forward to the opportunity to meet with them personally in a job interview. Always thank them for their time and consideration. Sample Cover Letter Below, you will find a well-written sample cover letter that ... Outlines experience Includes specific career highlights Provides a strong closing (For more on writing great cover letters, check outHow To Write An Amazing Cover Letter With Examples.)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

10 Tips to Promote Creative Thinking

10 Tips to Promote Creative Thinking 10 Tips to Promote Creative Thinking When Bill Gates led Microsoft, he realized that he didnt have to know everything. He recognized that he had employees who did. But, he appreciated the importance of taking the time to learn what they knew and absorb their creative thinking. He took the  time to listen to their ideas. He took the time to think, to ponder the direction of Microsoft. The Wall Street Journal highlighted Gates’ bi-annual Think Weeks in a 2005 article, In Secret Hideaway, Bill Gates Ponders Microsoft’s Future by Robert A. Guth. (You must be a subscriber.) The concept took hold in my imagination. Essentially, for many years, Gates went into seclusion for two, one-week Think Weeks a year. Family, friends and Microsoft employees were banned from his retreat. Alone, he read manuscripts from Microsoft associates on topics that ranged from the future of technology to speculation about the next hot products. Some papers suggested new products or different versions of current products. Any employee could use their creative thinking to write up ideas and send them for Gates’ perusal. He has said that he may read 100 papers during a Think Week and his record was 112 papers. Not just reading, Gates took the time to respond to employee suggestions. One paper might have resulted in an email sent to hundreds of Microsoft employees worldwide. Employees waited with bated breath to see if their paper or idea might receive the go-ahead following one of these famous Think Weeks. The process of reviewing employee ideas, and encouraging creative thinking from employees, evolved over the years. An assistant later culled the submitted papers prior to Think Week and a computerized response system let Gates easily respond to papers. But the basic idea - to read and think during time alone - to review ideas from the creative thinking of employees - remained constant. Think Week Implications for Creative Thinking Bill Gates took the time, twice a year, to read and ponder the future of Microsoft and the creative thinking of his employees. How often do you take the time to read about new ideas, revel in the creative thinking of your staff, consider creatively your current work and life, and make changes? Not often enough, I’ll bet. But, if the founder and long-term CEO of one of the most powerful corporations in the world set this example, I am willing to learn from his creative thinking. This article idea came to me during a one-hour think time. I jotted down four additional ideas - in just an hour of reading and creative thinking. I know, take the time to think; take the time to read and learn may be simple messages. But do you do it? If not, take time for creative thinking; take the  time to read and learn. You can transform your world. 10 Exercises to Promote Creative Thinking and Innovation Read with pen and notebook in hand; jot down any idea that comes into your consciousness.Keep a notebook in which you can keep track of ideas, by your bed, and in your car.Write one idea down on a piece of paper and brainstorm any thoughts that come  from it: how to accomplish the idea, what to do about the idea, where to use the idea, who can help you implement the idea, and any other thought that enters your mind.Read a non-fiction book every week. Read magazines, journals, online articles, every day. Clip articles and place them in a folder of related articles or ideas. Periodically, glance through the folder.Create idea files in most folders on your computer. Create an idea or a to-do file in your email program or Google Docs. Add ideas as they come to you. Storing them in one place keeps you from losing them.Take time to stare out your window (if your setting deserves attention), play with a desk toy, take a quiet walk. Do any rote activity that allows your thoughts to swirl through your mind. Encourage your staff and coworkers to do all of the above and share ideas with each other at think or brainstorm sessions. Schedule annual retreats or off-site meetings to plan and generate ideas.Develop an employee suggestion process.Schedule think weeks, think days or think hours of yourself or your workgroup. Thinking time and learning time are both critical to creativity and innovation. The old adage: stop to smell the roses is true for both your current work and your career. Take time to plant and harvest the ideas that fuel your progress and success. Creative thinking rules.

Friday, November 15, 2019

7 Alumni Networking Donts

7 Alumni Networking Don'ts 7 Alumni Networking Don'ts Avoid these missteps to be sure you are using your alumni network effectively in your job search.One piece of advice that just about every career resource out there gives: Tap into your alumni network.Have you ever noticed … no one gives you tips on exactly how to do so? So this networking advice - without additional guidance about how to access your alumni network properly (what to ask, and what to avoid) - leads most people to gain little help from an alumni network.A large part of the problem stems from changes in the job market and hiring practices. Prior to 2007, there were candidate shortages, so random networking was more effective. When there were candidate shortages, you could make lots of mistakes, you could use terribly ineffective techniques … and still find a job. A job search during candidate shortages was so easy, basically anyone could find a job.In addition, many random networking techniques worked then because employers had formal and informal policies to inte rview every candidate who was referred by an internal employee - qualified candidates were hard to come by and at least someone within the company was saying nice things. Many of these policies were eliminated due to changes in government regulations. Rather than choosing interviewees based on who the candidate knew, employers realized they could avoid disastrous government penalties by running all resumes through an applicant tracking system (ATS), selecting applicants based on more objective criteria.The reason that there are so many networking missteps is simply because you’ve never been told they were mistakes - they used to work, mistake or not. Fortunately, there’s a better way, which I’ll show you. First, let’s start by identifying common mistakes job seekers make when reaching out to alumni networks: Spamming alumni networks: Sending your resume to everyone on an alumni list used to work well, when employers automatically gave interviews to anyone recommended by an inside employee. Today, it gets you into the same ATS as if you applied through a job board. Worse, you’re spamming your network, because most alumni on your list don’t know you personally. Don’t network with alumni randomly: Years ago, people would welcome calls from fellow alumni because it was a way to connect to their past. Today, these lists are so overused and over-marketed that calls from fellow alumni are met with mistrust. Attempting to network where there isn’t a clear connection beyond the university where you and hundreds of thousands of others studied won’t establish much initial trust … or help in a job search. Don’t behave this way at alumni networking events: Don’t bring resumes to alumni events. Don’t ask for help. Don’t share your job search frustrations or war stories. Don’t network randomly. Don’t act desperately: When you share your job search issues, challenges or even goals with a fellow alum who doesn’t know you personally, you start to sound a little desperate. This can make the person on the other end of the conversation uncomfortable, especially if they don’t have an immediate solution to your problem. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes: If you’re busy and the conversation makes you uncomfortable, would you want to stay on the phone? Don’t ask for help before building trust: Don’t ask for help before you’ve provided something of value, which builds trust. When you start out asking someone you don’t know for help, even if you share the same alma mater, you erode trust rather than build it. You’ve heard the phrase “Give before you get,” right? Don’t just ask for a job: Asking an alum for a job nearly always fails. You don’t know if that individual is a hiring manager, nor do you know if they have any openings. Even if that alum is a hiring manager with openings that for which you’re qualified, you’re asking for a job based primarily on your shared school - bad move. Most employers have policies directing employees and hiring managers to send candidates to HR. The question itself is a waste of their time. Why waste their time and ruin a potentially valuable connection from the start? There is much more value that a fellow alum can provide than just directing you to a website - why not concentrate on that? Don’t ask alumni for help they aren’t able to give: People don’t like to admit that they can’t help - it makes them feel powerless and uncomfortable. Even if you manage to stumble upon an alum who is a hiring manager with a current opening that you’re qualified to fill, the hiring manager is supposed to direct you to the company website’s career section or to HR. More likely, your alumni contact isn’t the right hiring manager and may not be able to direct you to the correct hiring manager. Remember, they don’t know you and you’re asking them to break policy and risk their own career. This list of don’ts should open your eyes to just how much effective job search networking techniques have changed in the past few years.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How to Handle the Holiday Season as a Telecommuter

How to Handle the Holiday Season as a Telecommuter How to Handle the Holiday Season as a Telecommuter While telecommuters may fantasize about shedding all those work-related, holiday obligations like office parties and secret Santas, unfortunately, they can’t afford to do that. Even more than their counterparts back at the office, people who work from home need to use the holiday season to network and build bonds with their coworkers, supervisors, and clients. This is the time to nurture relationships that don’t benefit from the daily, face-to-face interactions that those who work in the office have. At the same time, home-based workers need to take extra care to make sure their home lives and professional obligations don’t collide due to the added pressure of the holiday season. These five  simple actions will help you make the most of the holiday season  when you work from home.   Attend Holiday Events When you work at home, do you really need to attend the annual holiday office party or staff luncheon? After all, it’s such a busy time of year, and making a trip to the office is the last thing you want to put on your holiday to-do list. The answer is a resounding yes! Whether it’s a simple lunch with your closest coworkers, a company-wide holiday party or an event with outside stakeholders or clients, telecommuters should make their best effort to attend any and all holiday events. Even if attendance involves overnight travel, consider carefully before declining. This is the time of year to grow  professional relationships. Others are forging new connections and friendships. Don’t let this opportunity slip by. Participate in Office Gift-Giving If your coworkers or clients give gifts at the holidays, you should too. It may seem like a burden to join in an office holiday gift exchange when you work at home. You may have to mail your gift or make a special trip into the office to deliver it, but declining to be involved makes you look like Scrooge. Now, you are under no special added obligation to give gifts just because you work at home. It’s important to know the culture of your workplace and to participate in the same way that everyone else does. If you manage people or you have outside clients, it may be appropriate to give presents outside of a gift exchange. Be sure that you give appropriate business gifts. Send Cards and Notes If gift giving isn’t a thing in your office (or even if it is), sending a card or note of appreciation is always a well-received  courtesy. The holiday season comes at the end of the year. This makes it an especially appropriate time to look back and express positive observations to your coworkers, clients, and supervisors. Since you are remote, sending a card through the mail is convenient for you and, at the same time, a nice treat for the receiver. A hand-written, short note will always make more of an impact than an email! Be sure your cards are appropriate for all in a business setting. They don’t have to be holiday themed. In fact, if you make it a New Year’s note, you have more time to get it into the mail. Know and Respect the Office’s Holiday Schedule Don’t take liberties with your schedule during the holiday season that your coworkers back at the office can’t. This is a sure way to create resentment. If you do need to take time off during the day, make a request like anyone else would. Don’t sneak out and hope no one will notice. On the other hand, know what is happening back at the office so that you can take advantage. For instance, if the office closes at noon on Christmas Eve, there’s certainly no reason you should continue working. This is one reason it pays to nurture those relationships with people back at the office. There’s nothing more disappointing for telecommuters to find theyve been forgotten and that everyone’s gone home and didn’t bother to let them know. Make Plans for Child Care If you are a work-at-home parent of a school-age child, you will need to make arrangements for childcare when Christmas vacation begins. Don’t figure that during the busiest month of the year you can multitask your way through watching children and keeping up with your professional obligations.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

This is the big problem with being friends with your coworkers

This is the big problem with being friends with your coworkers This is the big problem with being friends with your coworkers ABC Family’s The Bold Type is a series about three super millennial best friends working at a magazine (inspired by Cosmopolitan) that will be starting its second season later this month. Though Jane, Kat, and Sutton all have different jobs and work in different departments (editorial, social media, and fashion) they are all still coworkers at a fairly small-staffed magazine.Now, these are the kind of friends that live together (Jane and Sutton do), begrudgingly workout together, participate in peaceful protests together and even as we saw in the Season 2 trailer, pick each other up at the airport. I didn’t even think people knew they could still do that. However, there is a good chance they also have to work together given the nature of their jobs, especially Jane and Kat.Work friendships can be amazing and even beneficial to collaboration and productivity, however, they can also be quite awkward and even detrimental according to research highlighted by  Melissa Dahl  in The New York Times. Dahl is the editor of New York  magazine’s Science of Us, and the author of    Cringeworthy: A Theory of Awkwardness.Work friendships are just trickierDahl explains that most of us would go above and beyond for our friends (and the airport is definitely beyond) in our personal lives but at work that is a lot trickier. You can’t always go out on a limb for your coworker just because they are your friend and what if this friend isn’t pulling their weight at work and leaving you to pick up the slack?Dr. Methot who  published  a study in Personnel Psychology  on work friendships or “multiplex relationships” as she labels them told Dahl, “You’re kind of pulled in these two different directions. Do I behave professionally, or do I try to continue to maintain or invest in this friendship?”Another big problem with workplace friendships that causes major issues is that people stop communicating what they want or expect because they believe this so-called close fr iend will just automatically know what they want.Methot advises people to remember they are coworkers first and friends and they should keep this in mind even when they are in social settings with this person.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Definitive Approach for Areas of Expertise Resume

The Definitive Approach for Areas of Expertise Resume Try to remember that employers will also take a look at your LinkedIn profile. Highlighting your abilities and to-the-point expertise in resume is bound to pull the employer and providing you a possibility of interview. Before you are able to distribute your resume, You'll have to find some targeted employers who might want to employ someone with your background. Such employers would rather hire a single person with numerous talent. There are some quite specific requirements for formatting your resume when it is going to be reviewed by means of an ATS. Just upload your resume in their system then paste the whole job description to begin the comparison. You must select the format that works for your purpose the most. Next ensure use of good resume keywords. Areas of Expertise Resume - Dead or Alive? If you're not certain which skills you wish to share, consider your prior experiences. Skills are an essential portion of a work seeker's resume. Key skills are work-related skills that you will need to do a job. 3 First, you must pick the best skills for your resume. In the majority of instances, your soft skills can boost your hard skills. You'll get hired for your organization abilities and that's precisely what you should put together an effective resume. You may also pick up many of the crucial skills all on your own, through on-the-job training or even volunteer work. Keep in mind, the majority of the special skills that you place on your resume needs to be job-related skills taken from the work description and your best transferable skills. Click the links below to find out more about our knowledge base and the way it may support you in your research efforts. Even if your information is in bullet format, it may still be hard to quickly recognize the pertinent abilities and accomplishments which are important to the prospective employer. You must also shift to the functional format to be able to place more focus on your abilities and other qualifications. Prior to beginning describing your expertise, you should make sure they are rel ated to the position you're applying for. What You Should Do About Areas of Expertise Resume Beginning in the Next 10 Minutes Exactly like any good relationship, clear and honest communication is the secret to partnering successfully. Whatever holds true you, use time-tracking to at all times keep in addition to somebody's work! If you want to ensure it's a part of your regular permit it to help guide you become through daily then keep it observable. When intending some huge event can be stressful, therefore it's critical that you maintain the maximum goal in mind. Choosing Good Areas of Expertise Resume The standard of emotions determines the standard of succeeding in landing great jobs! Being an excellent communicator is the most essential quality of a leader. The more knowledge that you have, the more valuable you are going to be to your team. The FM team has a large array of skills and experience gained over many years that directly benefit our clients by giving specif ic resources with the appropriate skill set necessary to finish any given task. Definitions of Areas of Expertise Resume Actually, if you were attempting to relocate, I'd suggest that you remove the full mailing address from your resume. A great resume cover letter will make it possible for you to come upon the hop on the interviewer. An article calendar is just a way of attempting to continue to keep tabs onto your best thoughts since they are, and intending when to use them. The Fundamentals of Areas of Expertise Resume Revealed So show a possible employer that you're prepared to put money into their company for many years to come. My occupation is to be sure individuals find a health coverage plan which meets their requirements and their budgets, Wilson stated. Speak to professionals in the area If you're having a hard time determining what skills an employer might need to see, think about contacting a professional already working in the business or position very similar to the one which you're applying for. In addition, should you've got a web-based profile, be sure to include that in the section by means of your contact info. Believe me, you will discover quite a few of faults and inconsistencies on the net! You have to offer relevant, concise info. Important information is called out and simple to find. If it's not included in the work ad, check the business's website. You can take advantage of the planner to turn your budget in addition to to keep an eye on that is donating what. You only have to make yourself a productive coverletter in the occasion that you want to procure an extremely superior job. You won't ever understand in case you really will need to earn reference to an own planner. Whenever you have your month-to-month content plan prepared, you find it possible to receive started filling in the daily social media article preparation dictionary. The reach of its activity may also be extended to the degree of an internet d esigner. Perhaps your skill set is wholly different. There are some basic things which you can update easily.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of Nursing School Resume

Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of Nursing School Resume Life, Death, and Nursing School Resume Research multiple schools to locate the correct fitNursing programs are now offered at many, many kinds of schools. Keywords are quite important in every resume and that means you would have to incorporate them. Sit in on classes to acquire a feel for what it is about. You are going to want your latest education at the very top. The Good, the Bad and Nursing School Resume You may still prove that you're fantastic for the job. Obviously, each job will call for various abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the job description with care and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. The best method to keyword-load your resume is to look carefully at the job posting. Once your resume is prepared to go, you are going to wish to be sure to receive it in front of as many employers as possible. How to deal with your skills There are lots of strategies to deal with the skills section on your resume, and you're able to read our full skills section writing guide here. Creating a wonderful first impression is what interviewing is about. You will have to apply continuously, even when you get interviews, since it's possible you might not pass the interview stage. Please get in touch with me at your convenience to prepare an interview. Instead, short, well-constructed, and simple to read should become your mantra. It can be extremely discouraging, but know that you aren't the only one going through the procedure. If you're feeling somewhat overwhelmed about the entire job search procedure, you're in luck! Make everything right to the point. Nursing School Resume and Nursing School Resume - The Perfect Combination Regardless of what career you select or the length of time you've been in your field, everyone requires a resume. Whether you're just beginning or aiming to locate a new nursing position, obtaining a strong resume is vital. Your personal targets and aspirations would go quite a ways to clarify what sort of placement you're searching for in the nursing profession. At this time you can better the strength of your college student resume and boost your probability of being hired. By obeying these nursing school essay application strategies for accelerated nursing school about how to compose an exceptional nursing essay, you're going to be getting into the nursing school that you dream about in no moment. Writing a superb nursing school essay is quite important to getting your application considered and accepted. With those suggestions, you will be in a position to compose a good student nursing resume that lands you more interviews. With these nursing CV hints and examples, you are going to have the ideal nursing CV in virtually no time. Simply take a look at the school nurse resume sample below to receive a feel for a few of the qualities of a standout resume. The licenses and certifications you've earned not only help it become feasible that you work in a particular state, they also raise your value in the view of a hiring manager based on the number of you've earned. For some applicants, simply getting into a fantastic nursing school is the most significant factor. To grab this kind of opportunity you will require a well written nursing student resume. Getting into nursing school is hard so the only means to get what you would like is to remain focused and persevere. School Nurses oversee the wellness of students that are in attendance at academic institutions. All college students gain from resume editing help. Speak to the nursing school advisors. Furthermore, you can look for nursing student jobs on Monster. Even though the school nursing job marketplace will go on growing as fast as the remainder of the nursing field, it's still important to get a strong resume. Or perhaps you're already employed as a nurse and you're prepared for a new job. An impressive nurse resume is important in receiving your very first job after graduation. The Bizarre Secret of Nursing School Resume Don't make the descriptions sound just like you are speaking personally. For example, you're going to want to type your name in a bigger font size than the remainder of the document as a way to permit it to stand out. While resume formats can change among industries and individuals, there are a few features that are constant. You will also receive matching cover letter templates, in addition to a simple resignation template.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Who Is Misleading Us About Resume Template 2019?

Who Is Misleading Us About Resume Template 2019? The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. If you are working to find some great aerospace engineer resume examples, take a couple of minutes and review the one we've written below. You must invest time into each application and guarantee that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job that you're applying to. The piece you truly need the hiring manager reading is your latest work experience (and be sure you tailored that info to fit the work description). Again, use our cover letter templates and don't forget to prevent easy mistakes at the very start of your letter, because you don't want employers to quit reading or eliminate interest till they reach your principal points. Meanwhile, here are our very best practices to follow when it has to do with formatting your resume. You ought to have five objective statements. If you're not certain how to phrase your skills, or in case you would like examples of objective statements, see some job websites for ideas. The Rise of Resume Template 2019 Template designs are for individual use only and might not be resold or redistributed under any conditions. When you submit an application for work in person, you could possibly be requested to complete a paper application. The template is easily customised to your liking and includes all vital files for a fast set-up. The resume summary is simply a bridge to have the hiring manager in your experience. Resume objectives are from time to tim e regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. For example, if the hiring manager would like you to focus on your skills specifically, you have to make sure you pick up a skills-friendly template. On the flip side, once the work applicant has strong experience, there is not any need to trust the academic training any longer and it doesn't need to get mentioned. After you determine the skills you need to concentrate on, do some research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions you're seeking. The challenge of being a true student searching for a job tends to be an absence of earlier job experience. The Ultimate Resume Template 2019 Trick Well, regardless of what stage you're in your career, you're likely to should understand how to make a resume for a job interview and we will demonstrate how! Writing a resume is simple, but it does take some time and planning. When writing your statement, it's important to contemplate where you're in your professional progression. Understanding how to tail or your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Type of Resume Template 2019 Include your complete name, contact number, email and personal branding website if you've got one. Consider what sections and data you'd love to include prior to starting. Again, despite the fact that the info might seem repetitive, go right ahead and attach the resume. You will need to have some simple info and a couple dates. Unless you happen to be a graphic designer looking for employment, there's no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. Take a look at our article on the way to use your job references strategically in case you need more info. If you're seeking to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, have a look at our totally free downloadable templates. The issue is, each job differs and what each hiring manager is searching for is different. Writing a resume isn't a simple endeavour, and as stated by the feedback from our present community, it's really beneficial to check professional resume examples before starting to compose your own. Writing a strong application is a challenging procedure and we would like to make it simpler. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. For more ideas on the best way to strengthen your program, have a look at our education and teaching resumes. Transportation jobs involve a lot of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can deal with that. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and they're your very first step toward new job opportunities. On the flip side, functional resumes are normally used by fresh graduates or individuals who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. What follows is a wide selection of professional resume samples for jobs in numerous industries. Even in case you've never held an official job, it's still true that you have life experience that's applicable to the work search. Your jobs could be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be challenging getting it all on paper. Whether you're searching for your very first job or your next one, you want a resume that shows employers that you're a skilled professional. In truth, it might not have dates whatsoever, but you must be listed in order of relevance instead. If you want to bring a number to it, don't use your birth year. In the calendar year 2019, it's expected that resumes are less troublesome to read. Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a number of the exact same skills. With Spark Hire, you will have the tools to become m ore than simply a resume. Food service is just one of the most difficult industries to work in. Customer service is an essential element in many jobs and it's vital that you concentrate on that in your resume.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Choosing Good Industrial Design Resume

Choosing Good Industrial Design Resume The Basic Facts of Industrial Design Resume Production of goods (such as clothing and shoes) declines while the creation of services (such as fast food and physical fitness coaching) increases. Based on your field of work, you ought to choose your resume. Businessmen and business directors Bring evidence of your position in the business and remuneration. To raise your chances of working within this area, you require professional childcare provider resume templates. Designers will almost always realize that including the Adobe Create Suite is a fantastic starting point. Industrial designers work in offices in a number of industries. The work title Designer comprises numerous possible different designer roles, depending upon your specific specialist area. Here is an easy means to do that. At the same time that you can list these skills on your resume, it's also an excellent place to demonstrate that you know how to pair type and make killer content that's simple to read and appear at. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not indicate a major rewrite, but instead just a couple of tweaks. If you're using mobile phone, you may also utilize menu drawer from browser. When you're in work hunt, nothing can help you more than an impressive resume. It's the job of any visual artist to consider from the box, and you will need to be able come up with a resume to demonstrate that to prospective employers without needing to ditch the concept of a resume altogether. There are lots of things you have to take into account while creating a winning resume to acquire industrial engineer's post. If you're thinking about how to create a resume, you're in the correct place! From time to time, you've got to send a brief resume. Thus you will need to record experience and special skill that fit using what the company wants. Even if your information is in bullet format, it may still be tough to quickly recog nize the pertinent abilities and accomplishments which are important to the prospective employer. Industrial Design Resume Features Using samples and templates of engineering resumes enable you to assemble all your qualifications in a skilled and organized way. Some of your promotion skills will inevitably appear in the resume itself. There are lots of free resume templates readily available on the web but sometimes it can be very challenging to select the best one that is most suited to you. Just like HTML, look at including notations for software you have certifications or particular expertise in. The times you ought to use a creative resume are fewer than when you need to use a formal resume. You know the one which gets one particular project, hogs it for months and flips out at any suggestion to earn a change. You solve problems each day. Just take the opportunity to set the proper amount of work within this portion of your designer resume. The Ugly Side of Industria l Design Resume Recruiters wish to employ a person who stands out with results. These skills are a fundamental portion of your work. It's imperative that you don't simply apply these resumes verbatim. Both may be used to create chronological or functional resumes. Lies You've Been Told About Industrial Design Resume Simple does not need to mean dull. Every designer ought to have a very good comprehension of typography. These templates are excellent for a graphic artist or designer for instance, but if you're applying to become an accountant, you might want to go for an elegant or traditional design instead. Modern-day employers will probably be reading your resume online rather than on paper, for instance, and might want details which you wouldn't see on a traditional resume. Specific programs and applications are frequently used as keywords in the event of a technical resume. Once you have selected your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our totally free expert guidance about ways to craft the great modern resume. Follow the hyperlink to work out a multitude of resume examples in a wide variety of fashions. Up in Arms About Industrial Design Resume? From this page you may find sample resumes to secure you started. Other designer resume samples can be found on the internet and might have useful tips. When sending the ideal application for graphic design you will have to tackle the greatest individual responsible for the selection. For more details specifically for beginners, it is also possible to take a look at our fresher resume formats. In the event that you have some income outside your work, record that also. It's not so difficult to comprehend why people and companies would love to produce an income statement. For example a business asks you to send your resume, or perhaps you already know someone in the business and you just have to send is an official document containing the vital facts. Not all businesses find ou t how to seek out an EBITDA. Industrial Design Resume - What Is It? Georgia is a particularly great choice as it was developed to be readily read on a screen. You want to select a resume template which will help you make a terrific first impression, even before people start reading.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Insider Secret on Reference Resume Uncovered

The Insider Secret on Reference Resume Uncovered So take a minute to think about that, if your email address sounded funny and a little risque once you set this up at high school, there's a very good chance you don't need to use it for applying for new jobs. The ideal time to try to find a job is when you've got work, but it doesn't indicate that it's simple to look for work as you're employed. You should also make sure the items you've written is more related to the skilled works of the individual rather than how you personally know them. You've already done the tough work of making good references. If you're reaching out to a particular contact to be able to create a relationship independent of a current open position, ensure you personalize the letter. In a nutshell, the key to reference success is to prepare in advance, choose individuals who will speak highly of you, and make it simple for them to achieve that. Again list whatever you like to do and are involved in that hasn't been listed. Possessing a list of references prepared to hand to a prospective employer is 1 approach to demonstrate that you think ahead and are prepared. A Secret Weapon for Reference Resume Quite a few resumes list a couple of professional references. Use the exact same heading at the surface of your references page as you use at the very top of your resume. Below you'll discover a sample reference list. Now you have your format picked out, you should set your information in order. Fortunately, there are lots of excellent samples and resources available to assist you craft the great professional resume. You would rather not include things like an email address with a typo or a telephone number that's missing a digit. If you want to relocate for work, you most likely already know it's most effective to leave your present address off your resume. Include name, address, contact number, and e-mail address, and a fax number, in case you have one. Supporting your petition having the most efficient letters of reference is therefore essential to your success. You need to make sure that all candidates will willingly supply you with a positive reference. Instead, make a distinct reference sheet it's possible to bring to your job interview. Most men and women include a couple of references. When you're asked for references, you're able to strategically pick the best people to represent what you would like highlighted for the opportunity, she states. Only include those who would like to be a personal reference. When you first think about somebody to use as a reference for a work program, you must ask their permission not just to use and give out their contact info but directly if they'd be in a position to supply a reference as some individuals may prefer not to. The Key to Successful Reference Resume It's possible to also write about the particular events your coworker was given rewards or other types of appreciation or achievements he or she has acquired at work. Be sure to let your employer know you have references available upon request. When an employer uncovers a negative reference, you may not ever hear from the business ever again. If he or she is considering hiring you, he may ask you to supply a list o f references. Many hiring managers will allow you to know in advance when they're likely to speak to your references. Countless job seekers are dismayed by the info a former supervisor shares about them, states Shane. Resumes are tricky it's sometimes hard to know exactly what things to include. The variety of references you list depends upon your career level. They form a vital part of your job application. Very good motor abilities and coordination are crucial. Physical therapists utilize research to create clinical decisions regarding best practice. You could also utilize past instructors and references from volunteer work you've completed within the area. When you've selected your references, make certain they are well-prepared to assist you. Only submit your references if you're asked to. Recent references are best, even though there are exceptions. Make certain all your references are content to endorse you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reported News on 2017 Resume Tips Discovered

Reported News on 2017 Resume Tips Discovered Details of 2017 Resume Tips Selecting the most suitable font can look to be an impossible undertaking, especially since there are dozens and dozens of choices out there. Websites like Etsy enable you to download professionally designed resume templates all you need to do is add your own info. Fancy artwork or backgrounds shouldn't be applied as they have a tendency to distract the eyes. With respect to appearance, there's a significant difference between a boring resume and one which is laid out in a logical yet stylish fashion. Ensure that your resume is current and communicates that you're the ideal fit. Keep in mind, your resume must present only the correct mixture of meaningful information related to your objective. With a telephone call you've got dialogue and an additional opportunity to offer your value. After you've learned more about just what the culture is like make certain you take the chance to spell out how you're an excellent fit within the culture of the business. Finding a means to find attention from recruiters without excluding key parts of information or revealing too much can help you receive an interview. Replace the objective with an overview of your abilities and experience. A growing number of employers are using ATS systems with each year which goes by. Perform the research necessary to determine precisely what employers in your targeted industry are seeking, and write using language which they will understand easily. Creating your resume is crucial. For each work application, pick the layout that most represents you in the context of the job which you're applying for. A resume isn't merely a selection of lists. Take a look at the one that you've been using, maybe even for a couple of years now. Keep in mind, the introduction isn't a crucial element. Be sure the resume template you decide on is specific to your industry. The Honest to Goodness Truth on 2017 Resume Tips Unless you're an IT specialist, you likely don't require a dedicated section spelling out your precise skill sets. Each entry in the sections should get an asterisk or bullet at the start. It's also a fantastic format for highlighting well-developed abilities and talents that are linked to a particular position. Be descriptive about yourself and make your own identity. You would like to print on paper heavier than that which you traditionally find in photocopiers. It's an excellent notion to screen all of them, before you would begin writing or editing your resume 2017. After, you must open a new document and get started writing. When you format your resume you need to ensure your leave enough margin space to permit for printing. All About 2017 Resume Tips Your resume needs to fix an issue for employers (which is the reason why they're hiring). Not only are you going to look bad, but it is going to haunt you down the line with other future prospective employers. Occasionally a great resume is only going to get job hunters to date. You may even have to tweak resumes in the same sector to better position yourself to match up with the work description. The Advantages of 2017 Resume Tips The very first thing you ought to do is make sure a possible employer knows whose resume they're taking a look at! An effective phrase or statement can be an excellent way to bring in interest. The very last thing you wish to do is receive a job that you can't do. Same is true for the word benefits. At times it's a really little edits, which might help you to acquire the job. This is the sole reason why they're posting work. So, you ought not count on job websites, but you should be prepared to speak to all of your buddies and people who'd be prepared to supply you with a job. Looking for a new job is just one of the most difficult things you are going to have to do in your career and it's no easier this year. However, while someone else goes through it, he or she is going to likely spot errors you missed and could be in a position to suggest changes. Now we're likely to speak about summary of qualifications. Any written resume is a sort of marketing document and the primary purpose of such document to offer your candidacy and receive the job. So, there's just ONE and SIMPLE rule to steer clear of situation above. You can begin making a list of all of the responsibilities you had. Before you commence writing your resume 2017, you should make certain that all the resume section you want to include are formatted proper way and will be simple to read by a hiring manager. This section is a string of questions developed to assist you quantify your performance in a place to write far better accomplishment statements. The ideal way to get started is to investigate the field you're attempting to break into to comprehend what hiring managers want from their workers. Keep in mind, landing the interview is the very first step to receiving the position that you truly desire! That way you'll become hired for the skills you've got, in place of the ones that you thought would impress employers. Instead, there are plenty of concrete skills you could pick up quickly prior to a work interview instead.